Monday 23 December 2013

Days 99 and 100 - oh the hustle and bustle of Hanmer Springs...

Day 100 - no no no, it can't be. We prefer to think of it as ages still to go

A nice quiet weekend. After Sunday lunch, we went for a short drive along Chatterton Road via the "airport" (well, there's a sign from the main road and that most definite and conclusive of indicators : a wee windsock!) There's also a tiny hut which apparently contains (a) a logbook and (b) an honesty box into which you put your $30 landing fee when you drop in.  After over a month of regularly travelling along Chatterton Rd though, I have to say that we've never seen a plane arrive! Maybe the occasional sheep on the runway puts off pilots...

The weather, as you see, was distinctly better so some celebratory 100 days scenery

Getting close...
"On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me :
Ten Richies rucking*, 

Nine salmon swimming, 

Eight sausies sizzling, 
Seven sheep a-singing, 
Six seagulls squawking, 
Five keas a-cackling, 
Four possums playing, 
Three cows a-cuddling, 
Two pavs a-cooking,and 
A kiwi in a palm tree."

* Richie McCaw, All Blacks captain and national demi-god

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