Monday 30 December 2013

Day 108 - rain, rain, go away

The day started quite bright but, after a little early gardening en famille

the skies darkened on the hills and we could see that the rain was headed our way again for a while. So much for the promised 30°!! Could be worse though: both 1st and 2nd January are bank hols here (the latter presumably following the habits of the Scots settlers so I've no idea why it's snappily called "Day After New Year's Day" instead of Hogmanay) and this week is classically a family-getaway-in-the-sun week, so the papers are reporting sad stories of washed-away campers...

The local inhabitants whom the rain does not deter are the birds, including wax-eyes and cheeky chaffinches below (and fantails and bellbirds), some of which were drawn by Morag's sugar water.

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