Friday 11 October 2013

Day 29 - California surf'n'turf (aka Pacific and redwoods)

We've been on Highway 101 almost constantly for 800 miles, since the north of Washington state. It's the most schizophrenic of roads - one minute, you're in the wilds, winding along single-lane-take-that-hairpin-bend-at-20mph and suddenly it's a 3-lane motorway.  And the close bordering by redwoods becomes the wide blue Pacific. The scenery transforms very quickly - 101 actually hugs the ocean but the trees are so big and dense that you're worlds away.

PS Did we mention that, whenever you're within sniffing distance of the ocean and at an altitude of lower than (say - and we're guessing here) 100 feet, you're warned that you're in a "tsunami hazard zone" and, on rising to 101 feet, you're reassured "leaving tsunami hazard zone"?  Our room last night even contained a laminated sheet advising guests not to run towards the beach if there's an earthquake and there might be a tsunami headed towards the motel.  Better still (though talk about giving out mixed messages), we've seen signs for "tsunami massing stations" (do they want people to hang around?!)

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