Monday 7 October 2013

Day 25 - Oregon Pacific coast part II - Tillamook to Defoe Bay

Passed the 3000 mile mark today, just as we pulled into Defoe Bay. Now in a nice motel, overlooking the Pacific sunset - there are resident grey whales out there apparently, just waiting to be viewed, but the boats stayed in today because the waters were too rough (the orca story all over again) and, looking at the waves earlier (and the weather forecast for tomorrow), I'm not at all surprised and we're not confident for the morning.  So we may be shore-bound, with binocs and optimism.  We did at least spot some seals earlier, playing quite close to shore, so maybe that's going to be our lot.

The Tillamook Cheese Factory tour turned out to be quite informative and fun (in a brainwash-you-that-big-farming-is-ok kind of way - for The Archers fans amongst you) and passed a happy morning while the rain went over and the sun tried to come out. Sadly only the cheese-tasting section - and not the icecream-tasting section - was open or I think we'd still be in there.

But yet again best of all today was the Oregon Pacific coast, with the ocean boiling white and looking quite furious as it bashed the coastal rocks.  

Best sign of today in a coffee-shop that obviously doesn't favour kids being left alone to wreak havoc...

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