Tuesday 17 September 2013

Day 5 - Ashland, Oregon (though I'd expected a bit more of a welcome to a new State!)

Truly piffling little sign welcoming us to Oregon (in fact, I almost missed it - California spent nearly as much energy entreating us to hurry back).

But Ashland, OR is a mighty pretty little town, home to the (apparently world-famous) Oregon Shakespeare Festival. So this afternoon's entertainment was an in-the-round King Lear. And jolly good it was too - the usual blood, guts, eyeballs, attempted patricide but with Edgar speaking with a Kentucky twang.

Sadly the good weather deserted us today so the scenery was a bit damp. 

Due to be improve though - 90 by the weekend allegedly.  Hmmm...

PS Not to be pious and I don't know why I'm so shocked but we had our first diner ("Black Bear") breakfast today and you could feed an army on the leftovers which are idly thrown away.  And add to that a visit to Walmart for picnic provisions to bring excess to new heights; I thought I'd check out the cereal options in my ongoing quest for something for bfast with no added sugar but aborted as I worried I'd die of old age before I reached the end of the aisle...

PPS On a lighter note, a man to me this morning upon hearing me speak : "You're from Europe, right?"

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