Thursday 26 September 2013

Day 14 - Olympia and Seattle, WA

As promised by the forecasts all week, the sun finally shone today. Not that we thought so first thing, as we drove to the Capitol under grey skies and congratulated ourselves on catching it yesterday evening against a blue sky.
The tour by knowledgeable volunteer Joan was jolly informative. She romped through original 1889 flags, constitutions and texts, and displayed a healthy enthusiasm for the various types of marble and Tiffany light fitments. 

Apologising that the brass seal of 42nd state of the union Washington was roped off, she tut-tutted that ne'er-do-well visitors, lacking due respect, had walked on George's face and squashed his nose so that he now looks less president, more prize fighter.

Onward to Seattle and bright sunshine. Clearly a day for the Space Needle then. 

And lo, finally in the distance that glimpse of Mt Rainier!

The downtown Seattle traffic was not however to our liking so I fear that will be it for Seattle (it's not somewhere to have a car, even one as small as the roller-skate).

PS Just catching CNN : Piers Morgan interviewing Bill Clinton. Taking bets on who will out-smarm whom...

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