Saturday 14 September 2013

Day 2 - Sonoma, CA

Glossing over Day 1 (which was briefly : 9,148 miles LHR to SanFran over some cracking Greenland scenery, 

collect Chevrolet "Spark", make our way to the Mission district and collapse into jet lag coma), Day 2 dawned rather overcast but cheered up as soon as we hit the road.  After a hearty brunch with host Karl, we hit Route 101 North towards the Golden Gate Bridge and the Bay. I'm beginning to doubt the claims that the bridge is more often than not invisible in the fog as we had perfect, cloudless skies and super views of bobbing white yachts (we couldn't tell whether the America's Cup was live - none of the sails looked to be marked with Team NZ or Oracle but for sure there were tonnes of folk out watching what was going on).

The lovely sunshine meant the Sonoma countryside and vineyards looked very nice too; a number of the winehouses were closed (harvesting?) but we weren't sure we were quite ready for wine-tasting in any event so I reckon that will be something for the return leg. (But don't worry - we've got a sav blanc stashed...)

Now in our first motel of the trip (and I thought, when reception said a double room had two beds, that they were singles!) but the room's enormous - and with apparently 1000+ TV channels (but no BBCWorld!)

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