Sunday 24 November 2013

Day 71 - Picton to Kekerengu

Sunny morning in Picton

and a visit to a museum run by dedicated locals who've rescued an 1853-built merchant ship called the Edwin Fox, claimed to be the 9th oldest merchant ship still in existence, and of course charting her life, starting with being crafted from teak and saul in Bengal, to transport a wide variety of cargo including carcasses (lamb, of course!), coal, convicts, soldiers to the Crimea, and 751 Brits to their brave new world (another claim is that she's the oldest surviving craft which conveyed settlers).  Since holing up in dry dock, she's fared well and is an impressive sight.

Morag and Pete (and the twins, Lexie and Bella), very kindly drove up from Hanmer Springs to collect us, and we're overnighting in Kekerengu near Kaikoura, en route back, travelling through lovely South Island scenery, ending the day with an evening walk along the beach.

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