Friday 24 January 2014

Day 133 - Cooma to Thredbo - trip south part III

Oh dear, spoke too soon. After being spoiled by all that sun and blue sky, it was dull and overcast this morning when we had a last look around Cooma and its Millennium Mosaic walk

and the landscapes on the way west

and, by lunchtime, it was chucking it down. No chance for the no doubt gorgeous views of one of Australia's premier NPs, Kosciusko, home to Australia's highest peak of the same name at 2228m. 

Still, we're undeterred and sticking around, as tomorrow is supposed to be a improvement (plus it's raining everywhere else too!) Just as well our room had the tennis...

Shortly before the Federer/Nadal match was due to start, we espied a ray of sunshine, and bolted outside for a very quick spin

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